We’ve all seen the tragic side of this pandemic, but we’ve also all seen the true heroes in our country in the form of healthcare professionals, retail employees, transportation, and so many more. What a way to honor someone who is putting their life on the line to serve, care for, and ultimately SAVE the lives of others! So, who are we looking to meet? Is your fiancé an ER nurse and caring for those most affected by this terrible virus? Have you been required to completely abandon all wedding plans because you’re called to serve others at this time when no one else can? The list goes on and together with this team we’d love to make your (new) wedding dreams come true.
Here is what G Bella team is giving away for our couples who had their dreams put on hold. A custom design Bridal Bouquet. After all the craziness, after putting your health and well-being on the line for others… is the least we can do for you.